Blair Cemetery Burials in Washington County, Nebraska

The following is a database of almost all burials in the Blair Cemetery through the middle of 2015. Updated records are forthcoming.

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Last Name: First Name:
Year of Birth: Year of Death:

Compton, Albert P.2/1/1951Block: 73 Lot: 5 Space: 4Kinnison
Compton, Alfred A.4/9/1940Block: 69 Lot: 7 Space: 2Campbell
in spaces 2 & 3
Compton, Anna (Kull)1/24/1959Block: 69 Lot: 7 Space: 3Campbell
in spaces 3 & 4
Compton, Anna H.1/1/1939Block: 73 Lot: 5 Space: 6
Compton, Berea12/1/1960Block: 74 Lot: 7 Space: 4Kinnison
Compton, Bernice3/12/19113/5/2001Block: 74 Lot: 7 Space: 3Campbell Aman
Compton, Charlie E.5/1/1948Block: 71 Lot: 4 Space: 2Fick
Compton, Claude E.8/8/190312/23/1914Block: 73 Lot: 5 Space: 5
Compton, Durant A.4/28/1945Block: 23 Lot: 2 Space: 12Bendorf
Compton, Elizabeth W.Block: 7 Lot: 8 Space: 10
in spaces 10 & 11
Compton, George A.Block: 7 Lot: 8 Space: 12
in spaces 11 & 12
Compton, Gifford1/9/190112/29/1975Block: 117 Lot: 26 Space: 6Campbell
Compton, John A.11/13/1918Block: 71 Lot: 4 Space: 3
Compton, John M.10/14/1954Block: 94 Lot: 9 Space: 4Kinnison
in spaces 4 & 5
Compton, Lucille3/5/190511/17/1988Block: 90 Lot: 13 Space: 4Campbell
Compton, Maude W.11/23/1957Block: 23 Lot: 2 Space: 11Kinnison
Compton, MelindaBlock: 2 Lot: 7 Space: 4
Compton, Nancy R.4/16/1934Block: 71 Lot: 4 Space: 4Bendorf
Compton, Nora M.5/15/1948Block: 94 Lot: 9 Space: 5Fick
in spaces 5 & 6
Compton, Paul7/11/19034/27/1944Block: 69 Lot: 7 Space: 5Campbell
in space 5 & 6
Compton, Pearl M.4/27/1942Block: 74 Lot: 7 Space: 5Bendorf