Blair Cemetery Burials in Washington County, Nebraska

The following is a database of almost all burials in the Blair Cemetery through the middle of 2015. Updated records are forthcoming.

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Last Name: First Name:
Year of Birth: Year of Death:

Kelley, Archie R.9/22/1936Block: 94 Lot: 11 Space: 3Bendorf
Kelley, Carrie M.10/10/1968Block: 97 Lot: 14 Space: 10Kinnison
Kelley, Dorothy L4/15/19343/25/2013Block: 110 Lot: 53 Space: 7Campbell
Kelley, Edwin Lee5/21/1962Block: 94 Lot: 11 Space: 2Campbell
Kelley, Geneva2/6/19041/13/1983Block: 116 Lot: 68 Space: 4Campbell
Kelley, Joan E6/20/19387/2/2015Block: 75 Lot: 7 Space: 4Campbell
Kelley, Walter T.6/24/192510/15/2007Block: 97 Lot: 14 Space: 1Campbell
Cremation east end