Blair Cemetery Burials in Washington County, Nebraska

The following is a database of almost all burials in the Blair Cemetery through the middle of 2015. Updated records are forthcoming.

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Last Name: First Name:
Year of Birth: Year of Death:

Lewis, Cyrus W.10/27/1935Block: 95 Lot: 9 Space: 10
Lewis, George W.1/5/19005/25/1951Block: 95 Lot: 9 Space: 12Hoffman
Lewis, Huldah M.12/1/1924Block: 10 Lot: 9 Space: 1
Lewis, InfantBlock: 10 Lot: 9 Space: 10
Lewis, James T.1/1/1916Block: 10 Lot: 9 Space: 2
Lewis, Mary L.11/8/1916Block: 73 Lot: 9 Space: 10
Lewis, Phrenia H.12/30/1958Block: 95 Lot: 9 Space: 11Campbell
Lewis, Sharol L.12/29/194112/21/2004Block: 115 Lot: 59 Space: 4Siever Sprick
Lewis, Silas A.8/15/1932Block: 73 Lot: 9 Space: 11
Lewis, William J.1/1/1937Block: 10 Lot: 9 Space: 3
Lewis, William T.9/4/19411/31/1992Block: 115 Lot: 59 Space: 3Siever Sprick