Blair Cemetery Burials in Washington County, Nebraska

The following is a database of almost all burials in the Blair Cemetery through the middle of 2015. Updated records are forthcoming.

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Last Name: First Name:
Year of Birth: Year of Death:

Pounds, David B.12/9/19171/12/1918Block: 55 Lot: 17 Space: 1
Pounds, Glen Ira2/2/19051/1/1916Block: 55 Lot: 17 Space: 2
Pounds, Helen A.7/26/19057/10/1915Block: 55 Lot: 17 Space: 8
Pounds, James D.1/4/19313/15/2006Block: 98 Lot: 2 Space: 12Campbell
Cremation in the southwest end
Pounds, James L.7/7/1951Block: 55 Lot: 17 Space: 4Campbell
Pounds, James W.3/10/19072/11/1980Block: 98 Lot: 2 Space: 1Campbell
in lot 1/2
Pounds, Margaret M.8/3/1970Block: 55 Lot: 17 Space: 3Campbell
Pounds, Martha Stockton11/17/1947Block: 47 Lot: 9 Space: 12Fick
Pounds, Michael Lee (Baby)12/8/19823/14/1983Block: 55 Lot: 17 Space: 7Campbell
Pounds, Nora L.10/19/1962Block: 107 Lot: 1 Space: 2Kinnison
in lot 2/3
Pounds, S. Harvey6/17/1952Block: 107 Lot: 1 Space: 1Campbell
in lot 1/2
Pounds, Sandra12/31/195712/14/2002Block: 55 Lot: 44 Space: 6Campbell
Pounds, Thelma J.10/26/19077/14/1978Block: 98 Lot: 2 Space: 2Campbell
in lot 2/3