Blair Cemetery Burials in Washington County, Nebraska

The following is a database of almost all burials in the Blair Cemetery through the middle of 2015. Updated records are forthcoming.

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Last Name: First Name:
Year of Birth: Year of Death:

Blomquist, HannaBlock: 5 Lot: 12 Space: 3
Quist, Alfred Sigvard12/5/1978Block: 109 Lot: 11 Space: 10Campbell
Quist, Anna9/30/1967Block: 6 Lot: 12 Space: 10Kinnison
Quist, Bengta5/5/1929Block: 6 Lot: 12 Space: 8
Quist, Clara F.7/28/190111/17/2005Block: 109 Lot: 11 Space: 9Campbell
Quist, Doris Anne11/9/193311/16/1988Block: 109 Lot: 11 Space: 7Arvin S Quist
Quist, Edward W.2/10/19029/9/1994Block: 109 Lot: 10 Space: 10Campbell Aman
Quist, FrittiofBlock: 6 Lot: 12 Space: 7
Quist, Goldie M.11/4/19059/16/1994Block: 109 Lot: 10 Space: 9Campbell Aman
Quist, Hjalmer M.7/30/1979Block: 95 Lot: 2 Space: 11Campbell
in spaces 11/12
Quist, Jens Peter12/14/1934Block: 6 Lot: 12 Space: 9Campbell
Quist, Joan7/2/19437/25/2012Block: 109 Lot: 11 Space: 7
Cremation East end
Quist, Quentin Quain11/2/19289/4/2003Block: 109 Lot: 11 Space: 3Campbell
Quist, Ruth6/30/1989Block: 95 Lot: 2 Space: 10
in 10 & 11