Burials (excluding Blair) in Washington County, Nebraska

The following is a database of all burials in Washington County except Blair through the end of 2011. Updated records are forthcoming.

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Year of Birth: Year of Death:

Brunton, Edyth V.//19058//1908Kennard Cemetery
daughter of Herbert
Brunton, Herbert//1871//1923Kennard CemeteryBk 5 Lt 15 Sp 1
d. 2 9 1924 Vig file/Dana Archives
Brunton, Infant son//1901//1901Kennard Cemetery
b. 10 6 1901 d. 10 7 1901 Vig file/Dana Archives
Brunton, Infant son of Edyth V////1909Kennard CemeteryBk 5 Lt 15 Sp 2
Brunton, J Wesley//1859//1943Herman CemeteryPlot 11
Brunton, Mildred I//1911//1993Herman CemeteryPlot 11
Brunton, Monty C3/10/19517/21/1999Herman CemeteryPlot 24b
loving son & father
Brunton, Norma D5/9/1912//Herman CemeteryPlot 24b
no death date
Brunton, Opel M.//1909//1916Kennard CemeteryBk 5 Lt 15 Sp 4
b. 1911 Vig file/Dana Archives
Brunton, Stanley1/23/19055/1/1988Herman CemeteryPlot 24b
wife: Norma D.
Brunton, Sylvia//1911//1913Kennard CemeteryBk 5 Lt 15 Sp 3
Brunton, Sylvia C//1895//1968Herman CemeteryPlot 11
Brunton, Viola E//1870//1959Herman CemeteryPlot 11