Burials (excluding Blair) in Washington County, Nebraska

The following is a database of all burials in Washington County except Blair through the end of 2011. Updated records are forthcoming.

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Last Name: First Name:
Year of Birth: Year of Death:

Fletcher, Alma9/23/18711/1/1968Herman CemeteryPlot 32
Fletcher, Alma Fairchild3/30/190812/5/1952Herman CemeteryPlot 16
Fletcher, Birdie6/24/18895/15/1982Herman CemeteryPlot 32
Fletcher, Eddie F//1886//1963Herman CemeteryPlot 16
Fletcher, Foxwell G6/5/182412/29/1898New England Cemetery
Fletcher, Joseph//1/15/1881New England Cemetery
Fletcher, Lucy B//3/4/1890New England Cemetery
dau of F E & M E Fletcher
Fletcher, Mary//1901//1997Herman CemeteryPlot 16
Fletcher, Mary E//9/23/1889New England Cemetery
wife of F E Fletcher
Fletcher, Prudence//1/18/1881New England Cemetery
Fletcher, Vivian LeRoy7/9/19003/12/1903Herman Cemetery
FindaGrave # 220071343