Burials (excluding Blair) in Washington County, Nebraska

The following is a database of all burials in Washington County except Blair through the end of 2011. Updated records are forthcoming.

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Francis, 5 children////Fontanelle Pioneer (Hartung) Cemetery
Large marker: S A & L J Francis (no dates)single Sarah E Maria A. No marker Napoleon Silas H Harriet L. single markers with names only: Sarah E Maria A Napolean
Francis, Alice////Fontanelle Pioneer (Hartung) Cemetery
Baby dau of Silas & Celestia Francis stone say remainder buried underground
Francis, John//2/17/1957Arlington CemeterySection L Lot 2
no stone
Francis, Louisa Hane//8/2/1918Arlington CemeterySection L Lot 2
no stone
Francis, Mattie E//9/19/1903Arlington CemeterySection L Lot 2
22y 5m 6d
Francis, Samuel A//9/21/1899Arlington CemeterySection L Lot 2
77y 29d
Francis, Silas J.2/11/18176/22/1863Fort Calhoun CemeterySection: G Block: 50 Grave 7