Burials (excluding Blair) in Washington County, Nebraska

The following is a database of all burials in Washington County except Blair through the end of 2011. Updated records are forthcoming.

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Last Name: First Name:
Year of Birth: Year of Death:

Gieselmann, Anna4/4/18696/12/1946God's Acre (St. Paul's) CemeteryBlock 5 Lot 8
wife of Herman
Gieselmann, Dorothy M.11/24/19311/1/1961God's Acre (St. Paul's) CemeteryBlock 16 Lot 8
Gieselmann, Edward8/25/18986/2/1971God's Acre (St. Paul's) CemeteryBlock 16 Lot 8
husband of Emma
Gieselmann, Emma3/29/19041/11/1946God's Acre (St. Paul's) CemeteryBlock 16 Lot 8
wife of Edward
Gieselmann, Esther A.1/5/191511/29/1970God's Acre (St. Paul's) CemeteryBlock 5 Lot 8
wife of Paul
Gieselmann, Herman H.1/6/18663/5/1950God's Acre (St. Paul's) CemeteryBlock 5 Lot 8
husband of Anna
Gieselmann, Martin Frank3/7/190010/29/1987God's Acre (St. Paul's) Cemetery
Gieselmann, William G.H.8/5/18922/14/1931God's Acre (St. Paul's) CemeteryBlock 5 Lot 8