Burials (excluding Blair) in Washington County, Nebraska

The following is a database of all burials in Washington County except Blair through the end of 2011. Updated records are forthcoming.

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Hanson, Anna M.2/7/18513/18/1892Admah East Cemetery
wife of N. V. Hanson d. 1893 Vig files/Dana Archives
Hanson, Christian3/25/18262/10/1923Thone Cemetery/New York CreekSection 2 Row 1
Hanson, Edna Arnold3/6/18854/29/1963Herman CemeteryPlot 26
Hanson, Hans11/17/18399/19/1905Admah East Cemetery
You have listed his initials as N. V. Hanson it should be Hans Valtmer H. V. the stone is very hard to read because of the way they carved and polished it. Another note a son of H. V. hanson is buried in Omaha Francis Edmon Hanson.
Hanson, Howard J. O.10/24/191610/25/1916Admah West Cemetery
son of Carl & Jessie E. Hanson
Hanson, Jessie E.8/4/18904/9/1953Admah West Cemetery
Hanson, Karl Lauritz12/25/18862/10/1950Herman CemeteryPlot 26
Hanson, Mae Elizabeth5/28/19194/30/1923Admah West Cemetery
dau of C & J Hanson birth date could be 1917
Hanson, N V.11/17/18399/19/1903Admah East Cemetery