Burials (excluding Blair) in Washington County, Nebraska

The following is a database of all burials in Washington County except Blair through the end of 2011. Updated records are forthcoming.

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Jespersen, Ethel M////Herman CemeteryPlot 26
No names or dates on large Jesperson stone
Jespersen, J Alfred8/30/189511/20/1967Herman CemeteryPlot 26
Jespersen, Jens P.6/21/18849/31/1972Lincoln CemeteryRow C No. 19
Jespersen, Laurena//1891//1959Lincoln CemeteryRow C No. 19
(Anna Laurena Kristine) dau of Lars & Meta Hjersen; wife of Carl C
Jespersen, Laurine//1877//1959Herman CemeteryPlot 9
Jespersen, Niels//1868//1942Herman CemeteryPlot 9