Burials (excluding Blair) in Washington County, Nebraska

The following is a database of all burials in Washington County except Blair through the end of 2011. Updated records are forthcoming.

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Last Name: First Name:
Year of Birth: Year of Death:

Mansfield, Albert1/12/18282/21/1905Arlington CemeterySection C Lot 8
husband of Lydia
Mansfield, Albert G//18859/8/1965Arlington CemeterySection F Lot 3
Mansfield, Amos5/20/18599/8/1875Colby (Morley) CemeteryArea B
Son of A. and L.A. Mansfield
Mansfield, Bruce//18635/3/1916Arlington CemeterySection C Lot 8
Mansfield, Fred//8/2/1893Arlington CemeterySection F Lot 3
Mansfield, Fred9/8/18612/6/1928Arlington CemeterySection F Lot 3
Mansfield, Ida2/13/18679/26/1905Arlington CemeterySection F Lot 3
2nd. wife of Fred
Mansfield, Lydia A2/22/183610/29/1903Arlington CemeterySection C Lot 8
wife of Albert
Mansfield, Mary12/26/18598/8/1893Arlington CemeterySection F Lot 3
1st. Wife of Fred
Mansfield, Myrtle//18912/22/1961Arlington CemeterySection F Lot 3
wife of Albert