Burials (excluding Blair) in Washington County, Nebraska

The following is a database of all burials in Washington County except Blair through the end of 2011. Updated records are forthcoming.

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Spangler, Dora A//18653/27/1953Arlington CemeterySection P Lot 5
Spangler, Earl R10/26/19022/19/1978Arlington CemeterySection P Lot 5
Spangler, Edythe L1/1/19015/20/1983Arlington CemeterySection P Lot 5
Spangler, John Andrew//18651/15/1937Arlington CemeterySection P Lot 5
Spangler, Lauren E. Dr.8/21/19216/26/1997Arlington CemeterySection H C Lot 1
Spangler, Nellie1/25/18916/6/1966Arlington CemeterySection P Lot 5
Spangler, Thurman B1/17/18939/11/1931Arlington CemeterySection P Lot 5