Burials (excluding Blair) in Washington County, Nebraska

The following is a database of all burials in Washington County except Blair through the end of 2011. Updated records are forthcoming.

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Last Name: First Name:
Year of Birth: Year of Death:

Williamson, Carrie Louise5/27/187512/19/1965Admah West Cemetery
The golden gates were opened wide A gentle voice said come And angels from the other side Welcomed our loved one home.'
Williamson, Florence//1874//1957Herman CemeteryPlot 3
Williamson, Harvey//1848//1922Herman CemeteryPlot 3
Williamson, Holly O//1872//1949Herman CemeteryPlot 3
Williamson, infant son//3/31/1936Rose Hill Cemeterysection 2 row 1
Infant son of C.W. and H.M. Williamson
Williamson, Lucretia//1848//1928Herman CemeteryPlot 3
Williamson, Marie J8/27/184211/4/1892Admah West Cemetery
wife of Peter W. Williamson
Williamson, Peter W12/26/18382/21/1905Admah West Cemetery
Williamson, Thedore Elias7/30/18778/31/1950Lincoln CemeteryRow B No. 5
son in law of Neils & Martha Christiansen Vig file/Dana Archives
Williamson, William Andrew4/10/187210/25/1921Admah West Cemetery