Burials (excluding Blair) in Washington County, Nebraska

The following is a database of all burials in Washington County except Blair through the end of 2011. Updated records are forthcoming.

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Wriedt, Anna D.3/14/18731/24/1944Fort Calhoun CemeterySection: B Block: 112 Grave: 12
Wriedt, Baby Girl////Fort Calhoun CemeterySection: B Block: 112 Grave: 9
Wriedt, Ernest////Fort Calhoun CemeterySection: B Block: 112 Grave: 9
Wriedt, Hans H.12/10/189812/15/1904Fort Calhoun CemeterySection: B Block: 112 Grave: 6
Wriedt, Hans J.10/25/18122/23/1892Fort Calhoun CemeterySection: B Block: 112 Grave: 5
Wriedt, John A3/19/190912/3/1974Fort Calhoun CemeterySection: B Block: 112 Grave: 10
Wriedt, John H.7/15/185612/7/1930Fort Calhoun CemeterySection: B Block: 112 Grave: 11
Wriedt, Margaretha10/23/18195/26/1900Fort Calhoun CemeterySection: B Block: 112 Grave: 8
Wriedt, Richard////Fort Calhoun CemeterySection: B Block: 112 Grave: 9
Wriedt, Wilhelm F.2/23/18928/23/1907Fort Calhoun CemeterySection: B Block: 112 Grave: 7