Obituary Record

Andrew Alback
Died on 5/25/1967
Buried in Blair Cemetery

Andrew Alback Died Thursday

Funeral services for Andrew Alback, 74 years of age, 1152 Colfax Street, who died Thursday at Memorial Community Hospital, were held Saturday.

The services were held at First Methodist Church, the Rev. Richard Atherton officiating, with burial in Blair Cemetery.

Mr. Alback is survived by his wife, Bessie, a son Lyle, of Omaha, and a daughter, Mrs. Carroll Divoll (Mildred) of Millard, a sister, Mrs. Mary Brown, of Omaha and five grandchildren.

Mr. Alback was born May 24, 1893 in Omaha and farmed most of his life.

The Bendorf Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements.

Printed in the Washington County Pilot-Tribune on 5/29/1967