Obituary Record

Bashieba Helen Kelly (Mrs. Albert Taylor) Taylor
Died on 5/21/1916


Printed in The Pilot, May 24, 1916

The body of Mrs. Albert Taylor was brought up from Omaha Monday and taken to the home of her daughter, Mrs. Wm. Moore, (colored) on east Front street, from which the funeral was held at 10 o’clock yesterday forenoon, Rev. J. W. Lewis officiating. Bashieba Helen Kelly was born in Hammon, Texas, Dec. 22nd, 1862, and was therefore past 53 years of age at the time of her death, which occurred in Omaha Sunday, May 21st. She married Albert Moore in 1880 and lived in Calvert, Texas, most of the time before coming to Omaha six years ago. Besides her husband she leaves four children, Bernard, of Wichita, Kans.; Howard of Omaha; Mrs. Wm. Moore of this city; and Mrs. Norman Nickerson of Medicine Lodge, Kans.

(typed as printed in the newspaper.)