Obituary Record

Robert Tague
Died on 5/4/1967


Since the exact death date was not given, the date of the newspaper article was used. Printed in The Enterprise, May 4, 1967

(picture w/ caption: Colorado Man Killed As Semi Rolls On Edge of Town)

A truck driver from Lamar, Colorado was killed early Sunday morning as his semi-trailer truck rolled over and crushed him as he was entering Blair on Highway 91.

The truck driver was 31 year old Robert Tague. He is survived by a wife and three children living in Lamar, Colorado.

The accident took place shortly before 2:00 a.m. Sunday morning. The scene of the accident was the sharp corner between the George Sheets residence and the Blair Town House. The truck clipped off several highway posts and a large utility post.

When the Utility post broke, it twisted the wires in such a manner that the electrical breakers shut off the current to Blair. Blair was using Omaha Public Power current at the time. Within eight minutes the Blair Light plant crew had the generators going and full power restored in all parts of Blair.

The Blair Rescue Squad was called to the scene. The squad had to use power hack saws and hydraulic equipment to pry the cab apart enough to remove the body. The steering wheel had to be cut in three places.

Investigating officers noted that there were no skid marks, from braking, on the pavement. They also noted that one set of the trailer wheels had come completely loose from the trailer after it had rolled over. Because of the numerous deep gouges and dents in the pavement, it was theorized that perhaps some type of mechanical failure had thrown the Anhydrous Ammonia filled tanker out of control.

The trailer came to rest back on its wheels. The tank stopped on its side. Fortunately the tank did not break open in its roll. Some Ammonia was leaking out but not enough to warrant evacuation of the nearby homes. The load was pumped into another truck Sunday afternoon.