Obituary Record

John P. Wischart
Died on 11/21/1907


96 OH Inf, Co 1 in 1862


The death of John P. Wischart occurred last Sunday evening at his late home on East Colfax street, and the funeral services were held Monday afternoon and were in charge of the G.A.R. and W.R.C. Deceased was born in Bedford county, Pa., June 30, 1834, and at an early age went to Huntsville, Ohio, with his parents. He was married in Logan county, Ohio, March 5, 1856, to Maria M. Abel and was the father of five children, one son and four daughters. Two daughters, Mrs. A.J. Taylor, of this city, and Mrs. Anna M. Beard, of Omaha, and the wife are the surviving members of the family.

Mr. Wischart enlisted in the 96th O.V.I. August 5, 1862, and served until July 27, 1865. He came to Nebraska with his family in 1872 and settled in this city. Deceased was a member of John A. Dix Post, G.A.R.

Printed in the Blair Democrat/Courier on 11/21/1907