Obituary Record

Wm, Sr., Mrs. Meierhenry
Died on 2/5/1913


Published in The Enterprise, February 14, 1913

Mrs. Wm. Meierhenry, sr., who was spoken of in the last issue of the Enterprise as being very ill, passed away at her home in Fremont on Wednesday, Feb. 5th. Mrs. Meierhenry was one of Washington county’s pioneer settlers. She was born in Germany, June 6, 1848, and in 1870 was married to Wm. Meierhenry and immediately came to this county, arriving in Fontanelle on Aug. 10th of that year, and shortly afterward settled on a farm 2 ½ miles east of Telbasta. Here they lived until 1906 and amassed a comfortable competency for their old age. In 1906 they moved to Fremont where they have since resided.

Nine children were born to them of which three died in infancy. Those surviving are Henry, William, Gustav, Fred, and Ed, all living on farms just east of Telbasta, and Mrs. Brechlin, living in Fremont. Mrs. Meierhenry was a good, honest, Christian woman and had the respect of all who knew her. She was a helpful attendant of her church and lived up to its teachings in every respect. Her whole life was an example of industry, patience and righteousness. The husband who survives her is of feeble health but has the blessing of honorable children who will give him the tenderest care in his declining years.

Printed in the Washington County Enterprise on 2/14/1913