Obituary Record

Aimee (Taggart) Kenny
Died on 6/7/1914
Buried in Blair Cemetery

Tribune 10 Jun 1914

MRS. F. W. KENNY (Aimee)

Mrs. F. W. Kenny, aged 61 years and a pioneer of Blair died Sunday afternoon at the family home of cancer. She was the widow of the late F.W. Kenny, who at his death was president of the Blair National bank. Mrs. Kenny was widely known throughout the state, having been state department president of the Woman’s Relief Corps and president of the local corps for six years. She was past regent of the Daughters of the American Revolution and past matron of the Eastern Star and a charter member of the Blair Women’s Monday Afternoon club, which was organized about 1873.

Mrs. Kenny was born at Jacksonville, Ill., January 24, 1853, and came to Fontanelle, Nebr., with her father, Rev. John M. Taggart, a Baptist missionary, who was afterwards a member of the Nebraska territorial legislature in 1857, and to Blair in 1870, where she was married to Frederick W. Kenny of Plattsburg, N. Y. To this union was born eight children, one dying in infancy and seven surviving: Fred Kenny of Plattsburg, N. Y.; John of Lewiston, Mont.; Mrs. Dr. Howard of North Bend, Neb.; Mrs. Amiee Peck and Mrs. Burtis Smith of Omaha; Miss Sue Kenny, late of Portland, Ore., and Miss Maude, who has made her home with her mother.

Mrs. Kenny’s mother, Mrs. A.M. Pratt, 96 years of age, has made her home with her for several years and is very sick at this time. Three sisters also survive: Mrs. A.W. Clarke, who husband was a former Omaha pastor, now of Los Angeles, Cal.; Mrs. Jeanette White of Denver, Colo., and Miss Mary Taggart of Colorado Springs, Colo., and a brother, Robert Taggart, of Nebraska City, Nebr.

The funeral was conducted by Rev. F.E. Volck, of the Baptist church from the residence at 5 o’clock Tuesday afternoon and the remains were laid to rest in the Blair cemetery beside her husband, who preceded her to the Great Beyond.

Pilot 10 Jun 1914 (picture)


Died Sunday Afternoon at the Family Residence of Cancer of the Stomach


The community was not unprepared for the sad news that came Sunday afternoon of the death of Mrs. F.W. Kenny at 3:25, though the end was hardly expected so soon.

Only four weeks ago she went down to Excelsior Springs thinking she was simply run down from the hard work of caring for her mother. She was there two weeks and came back to Omaha, where it was definitely decided that she was suffering from a cancer of the stomach. She was in Omaha a week and was brought home only a week ago, fully realizing that there was no help for the disease.

Mrs. Kenny accepted the verdict of the physician with great courage and fortitude and was ready and even happy that she was so soon to be with the Master she loved and served and her husband, whose death occurred February 18th, 1911. She was unconscious for two days before the end came as peacefully as normal sleep.

A short and simple funeral service was held at the home at 5 o’clock yesterday afternoon and was conducted by her pastor, Rev. F.E. Volek of the Baptist church, which church she had been a loyal member of and a faithful worker in for many years.

All the children, except Fred, were present. The pallbearers were John Kenny, Dr. Paul Howard, Burtis Smith, Lyman Peck, T.E. Stevens and Chris Schmidt. Interment was made in the Blair cemetery.

Miss Aimee Taggart was born at Jacksonville, Ill., Jan. 24th, 1853, and came to Fontanelle with her father, Rev. John M. Taggart, a Baptist missionary, who was afterwards a member of the Nebraska territorial legislature, in 1857. The family moved to Nebraska City in 1867, and to this city in 1870.

She was married to Federick W. Kenny May 2nd, 1871, and of this union eight children were born, one dying in infancy: Fred, of Plattsburg, N.Y; John M., of Lewiston, Mont.; Mrs. Paul Howard, of North Bend; Mrs. Lyman Peck and Mrs. Burtis Smith, of Omaha, Miss Sue, of Portland Oregon, and Miss Maud, who lived at home.

Mrs. Kenny’s mother, Mrs. A.M. Pratt, 96 years of age, has made her home with her for several years and is very feeble. Three sisters and one brother survive her also, Mrs. A.W. Clark, of Los Angeles, Calif., Mrs. Jeanette White, of Denver, Colo., Miss Mary Taggart, of Colorado Springs, Colo., and Robert Taggart, of Nebraska City.

For many years Mrs. Kenny had been an interested worker in the W.R.C., having been state department president and president of the local Corps for six years. She was past Matron of the O.E.D., past regent of the D.A.R. and one of the charter members of the Monday Afternoon Club.

She was an ideal wife, mother, neighbor and friend, and her sudden passing will be a severe loss to her many friends, as well as to the children, who have received so much of her unselfish love and devotion. They have the sympathy of the entire community, also the memory of a beautiful life spent in the service of others.

3 June 1914 : Number 42

Mrs. F. W. Kenny

Mrs. F. W. Kenny, aged 61 years and a pioneer of Blair, died Sunday afternoon at the family home of cancer. She was the widow of the late F. W. Kenny, who at his death was president of the Blair National bank. Mrs. Kenny was widely known throughout the state, having been state department president of the Woman’s Relief Corps and president of the local corps for six years. She was past regent of the Daughters of the American Revolution and past matron of the Eastern Star and a charter member of the Blair Women’s Monday Afternoon club, which was organized about 1873.

Mrs. Kenny was born at Jacksonville, Ill., January 24, 1853, and came to Fontanelle, Nebr., with her father, Rev. John M. Taggart, a Baptist missionary, who was afterwards a member of the Nebraska territorial legislature in 1857, and to Blair in 1870, where she was married to Frederick W. Kenny, May 2, 1871. To this union was born eight children, one dying in infancy and seven surviving; Fred Kenny of Plattsburg, N. Y., John of Lewiston, Mont.; Mrs. Dr. Howard of North Bend, Neb.; Mrs. Amiee Peck and Mrs. Burtis Smith of Omaha; Miss Sue Kenny, late of Portland, Ore., and Miss Maude, who has made her home with her mother.

Mrs. Kenny’s mother, Mrs. A. M. Pratt, 96 years of age, has made her home with her for several years and is very sick at this time. Three sisters also survive: Mrs. A. W. Clarke, whose husband was a former Omaha pastor, now of Los Angeles, Cal.; Mrs. Jeanette White of Denver, Colo., and Miss Mary Taggart of Colorado Springs, Colo., and a brother, Robert Taggart, of Nebraska City, Nebr.

The funeral was conducted by Rev. F. E. Volck, of the Baptist church from the residence at 5 o’clock Tuesday afternoon and the remains were laid to rest in the Blair cemetery beside her husband, who preceded her to the Great Beyond.

Blair Democrat 11 June 1914

Mrs. Kenny Passes Away Mrs. F. W. Kenny, aged 61 years and a pioneer of Blair, died Sunday afternoon at the family home of cancer. She was the widow of the late F. W. Kenny, who at his death was president of the Blair State National bank. Mrs. Kenny was widely known throughout the state, having been state department president of the Woman’s Relief Corps and president of the local corps for six years. She was past regent of the Daughters of the American Revolution and past matron of the Eastern star and a charter member of the Blair Women’s Monday Afternoon club, which was organized about 1873.

Mrs. Kenny was born at Jacksonville, Ill., January 24, 1853, and came to Fontanelle, Neb., with her father, Rev. John M. Taggart, a Baptist missionary, who was afterwards a member of the Nebraska territorial legislature in 1857, and to Blair in 1870, where she was married to Frederick W. Kenny May 2, 19871. To this union was born eight children, one dying in infancy and seven surviving: Fred Kenny of Plattsburg, N. Y.; John of Lewiston, Mont.; Mrs. Dr. Howard of North Bend, Neb.; Mrs. Aimee Peck and Mrs. Burt Smith of Omaha, Miss Sue Kenny, late of Portland, Ore., and Miss Maude, who has made her home with her mother.

Mrs. Kenny’s mother, Mrs. A. M. Pratt, 96 years of age, has made her home with her for several years and is very sick at this time. Three sisters also survive, Mrs. A. W. Clarke, whose husband was a former Omaha pastor, now of Los Angeles, Cal.; Mrs. Jeanette White of Denver, Colo., and Miss Mary Taggart of Colorado Springs, Colo., and a brother, Robert Taggart, of Nebraska City, Neb.

The funeral was held at the family residence on Tuesday afternoon.

Enterprise 12 June 1914


Mrs. F. W. Kenny Passes Away After A Long Illness

Leader of Relief Corps—A D.A.R.

Leaves several Grown Children, An Aged Mother and Other Relatives – Other Deaths – Mrs. Vaughan

The death of Mrs. F. W. Kenny occurred last Sunday afternoon at the family home in this city. While not unexpected the family and friends were unprepared for her sudden demise, as loving hearts ever are. Deceased was a pioneer of the state, county and city, coming with her parents, at three years of age, to Fontanelle with the Quincy colony which settled there. Her father Elder J. M. Taggart, as he was familiarly known, was the pioneer Baptist minister in the then territory, coming from Jacksonville, Illinois, where the subject of this notice was born January 24, 1853. After a residence of about three years at Fontanelle the family moved to Cuming City where they lived for a couple of years, removing from there to Nebraska City where they remained until the next year after Blair was started, 1870, when they located here, Elder Taggart being in charge of the Baptist church here. The following year deceased was married to F. W. Kenny who died two years ago. To this union was born eight children, one dying in infancy. The seven surviving are: Fred Kenny, of Plattsburg, N.Y.; John, of Lewiston, Mont.; Mrs. D. P. Howard, of North Bend, Neb.; Mrs. Aimee Peck and Mrs. Burtis Smith of Omaha, Miss Sue Kenny, late of Portland, Ore., and Miss Maude, who has made her home with her mother.

Mrs. Kenny was widely known throughout the state, having been state department president of the Woman’s Relief Corps and president of the local corps for six years. She was past regent of the Daughters of the American Revolution and past matron of the Eastern Star and a charter member of the Blair Women’s Monday Afternoon club, which was organized about 1873.

Mrs. Kenny’s mother, Mrs. A. M. Pratt, 96 years of age, has made her home with her for several years and is very sick at this time. Three sisters also survive, Mrs. A. W. Clarke, whose husband was a former Omaha pastor, now of Los Angeles, Cal.; Mrs. Janette White, of Denver, Col., and Miss Mary Taggart, of Colorado Springs, Col., and a brother, Robert Taggart, of Nebraska City, Neb.

The funeral was held at the family residence on Tuesday afternoon.

Note: She is buried in the Blair Cemetery in Blk 26 Lot 10 Sp 29.

~~~ Obituary courtesy of the Washington County Genealogical Society. Newspaper clippings on file in the Blair Public Library at Blair, Nebraska.~~~

Printed in the Tribune on 6/10/1914