Obituary Record

Paul, Mrs. Sorensen/ Sorenson
Died on 12/31/1915
Buried in Kennard Cemetery

Since the exact death date was not given, the date of the newspaper article was used. Published in The Enterprise, December 31, 1915


The death of Mrs. Paul Sorensen occurred at the family home in this city last Tuesday morning after an illness of more or less seriousness covering a period of several years which had recently developed into a case of dropsy.

She was a native of Denmark and came to America with her husband and two children something over 30 years ago, locating near Kennard on a farm where they remained until they came to Blair to live some seven years ago. The oldest daughter married Nels O. Hansen and died six years ago. Three children, H.S. and J. P. Sorensen and Mrs. Widener, all residing near Kennard, beside her aged husband, survive. Deceased was 70 years old on the 19th of last month.

Funeral services were held at the home and at the Danish church in Dexterville at 12 and 12:30 o’clock respectively yesterday p.m. and interment was made in the Kennard Cemetery.

(The family surname was spelled two ways in this newspaper article : “son” and “sen.” )

Printed in the Washington County Enterprise on 12/31/1915