Obituary Record

Ellen Sprick
Died on 11/5/1972
Buried in Fort Calhoun Cemetery

Sprick, Ellen 11/5/1972

Note: exact death date from tombstone

Obituary: Printed in the Nov. 9, 1972 Enterprise, Blair, Nebraska

Services For Ellen Sprick Were Wednesday

Funeral services for Ellen Sprick, 68, were held Wednesday in Fort Calhoun. The 2 p.m. Services were at the Presbyterian Church in Fort Calhoun under the direction of the Sievers Funeral Home.

Mrs. Sprick is survived by her husband, Erwin, of Ft. Calhoun, one daughter and four sons. The daughter is Mrs. Donna Hansen of Denver and the sons are Duane of Fr. Calhoun, Erwin, of Kansas City, Roger of Omaha, and Doyle who is missing in action in Vietnam.

There are three surviving sisters. They are Mrs. Clara Schurman of Nickerson; Celia Lallman, Arlington; Anna Egbers, Uehling.

Burial was in the Fort Calhoun Cemetery.

FindaGrave memorial # 18176672

~~~ Obituary courtesy of the Washington County Genealogical Society. Newspaper clippings on file in the Blair Public Library at Blair, Nebraska.~~~

Printed in the Washington County Enterprise on 11/9/1972