Obituary Record

Mr/Mrs Marion, infant son Sutherland
Died on 6/10/1911
Buried in Blair Cemetery

Since the exact death date was not recorded, the date of the newspaper article was used.

Published in The Tribune, May 10, 1911


Born May 22 of last year, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Marion Sutherland remained with the parents but little more than eleven months, having died Tuesday of last week at the home of the grandparents in this city of diabetes. Some weeks ago the little sufferer was taken to Omaha for treatment, but no relief was had, and on Tuesday of last week the mother again visited Dr. McClannahan with the little one, returning on the evening train. Upon their arrival the child’s condition was such that the trip out to the farm was impossible, and the father was sent word to come in at once. Shortly after his arrival the little soul had passed away, all medical aid having been overcome with the inevitable disease, and while death is always sad, yet those loving words of the Savior, “Suffer the little ones to come unto Me, for of such is the kingdom of Heaven,” made the bereavement of the parents less hard to bear.

The funeral was held at the home of the grandparents Thursday afternoon, conducted by Rev. Cabeen of the Baptist Church, and the body buried in the Blair Cemetery.

# 2 - from the Blair Democrat, May 11, 1911

The 11 months-old baby boy of Mr. and Mrs. Marion Sutherland died at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Sutherland in this city last Tuesday evening and was buried on Thursday from the Sutherland home. The little fellow had been ailing for some time and had been taken by its mother to Omaha where a specialist in child disease was consulted. Not desiring to take the little fellow out to their country home that evening, Mrs. Sutherland stayed all night at the grandparent’s home in Blair, and the child passed away that evening.

Printed in the Tribune on 5/10/1911