Obituary Record

Mary Catherine (Butts) Sutherland
Died on 8/17/1914
Buried in Blair Cemetery

Published in The Enterprise, August 28, 1914

We are sorry to chronicle the death of an estimable lady and one of our most esteemed friends, Mrs. Mary Butts Sutherland, whom we have known so many years and extend our sympathy to the sorrowing family and her aged father, in particular, to whom she was ever so tender and kind. The following obituary has been procured from a friend of the family who is familiar with the life of the deceased.

“Mary Catherine Butts was born July 6th, 1873, in Washington County, Virginia, and died at her home near Stanton, Nebr., Aug. 17, 1914. Age 41 years, 1 month, 12 days.

She lived with her parents in the state of her birth until 12 years of age at which time they moved to Washington County, Nebr., where she resided until her marriage to J. R. Sutherland, Sept. 10, 1901, and for many years thereafter.

She was converted at Kennard and united with the church in the year 1887, under the pastorate of Rev. Charles Snavely.

She leaves to mourn her death a loving husband and seven children together with the aged father, four brothers and one sister - - her mother and her brother John having preceeded her to their reward.

Mollie, as she was familiarly known among her friends - - always being a great home body and a great reader, was content to remain at home, getting her pleasure out of service and from her books, seemingly having been born to assist others in being happy.

She always lived the Christ life - - never making an enemy and never losing a friend - - always giving, always serving, always helping, always encouraging. Hers the reward of all who live lives of service, sacrifice, cheerfulness, contentment and Christian deeds.”

# 2 - - from the Pilot, August 26, 1914

N.W. Gaines and family of Fremont and Frank Butts and family, of Valley, were here Wednesday to attend the funeral of Mr. Butts sister.

Mary Catherine Butts was born in Nash Co., Va., July 6, 1873, died at home near Stanton, Nebr., Aug. 17, 1914, aged 41 years, 1 month, 12 days. Came to Washington County, Nebraska with her parents when 12 years old, was married Sept. 10, 1901 to J. D. Sutherland. She united with the M.E. church at Kennard in 1887 while Rev. Snavely was pastor. A loving husband, seven children, an aged father, four brothers and one sister are left to mourn her loss. The remains were brought here for burial last Wednesday. Rev. Coffer and Hammon of Arlington, and Rev. Grossman, of Kennard, officiated. Mrs. Sutherland spent many years here and was greatly interested in church work and for some time was among the efficient teachers in the S.S. Many friends join in sympathizing with the bereaved ones.

Printed in the Washington County Enterprise on 8/28/1914