Obituary Record

John Cunningham
Died on 12/30/1913


Published in the Blair Democrat January 8, 1914 and in the Blair Enterprise January 9, 1914.


After an illness of three months, John Cunningham aged 82, one of the oldest members of the Caledonia Society died at his home 232 St. Martin Street Montreal on December 30.

Mr. Cunningham was born in Edinburg, Scotland in 1832 and had lived in Canada since his arrival in 1844. The greater part of his life was spent in Montreal. He was with the Montreal Light, Heat, and Power Co. for more than 40 years and retired from active work 10 years ago. He was a member of O.d St. Gabriel’s Presbyterian Church and took a keen interest in municipal affairs of the city of younger days.

He is survived by four daughters, Mrs. John M. Walker, Montreal; Mrs. G. H. Warren, Blair, Nebr.; Misses Nellie and Jessie residing at home.

The funeral took place Friday January 2nd at 2:30 p.m. from the home.

The services were conducted at the house by Rev. Dr. Robert Campbell who for 43 years was pastor of St. Gabriel’s Church assisted by Rev. Malcom Campbell, Pastor of First Presbyterian Church of Montreal— Montreal Daily Star.

Printed in the Blair Democrat/Courier on 1/8/1914