Obituary Record

Jeffery Kenton Curtis
Died on 9/20/1962


Since the death date was not give the newspaper article date was used.

Published in the Enterprise September 20, 1962


Mesdames Henry Voss, Henry Jensen, Ed A. Jensen, Merton Jensen, Kelly Ryan, Don Lippincott, John Voss and Walter Gutschow attended the funeral of seven and one-half month old Jeffrey Kenton at the Countryside Community Church in Omaha Wednesday afternoon. Jeffrey is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Curtis Jr. and a grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Voss, all of Millard. The Mesdames Jensens and Gutschow also visited at the home of M. and Mrs. Albert Jensen in Millard.

Printed in the Washington County Enterprise on 9/20/1962