Obituary Record

J.Harry Cantlin
Died on 9/14/1927





J. Harry Cantlin, 26, a nephew of Mrs. Edna Noble, of this city, died at 4:55 Saturday morning at the Lincoln General Hospital as a result of injuries sustained when his car collided with a steer a mile east of Gretna late Wednesday night. Cantlin was a student at the university and lived at Alliance.

The Lincoln Star of last Saturday gave the following account of the accident:

He had come to Lincoln a short time ago and was returning from a trip to Omaha when he met with the accident that cost him his life. He was headed towards Lincoln, and temporarily blinded by the lights of an approaching car was unable to see the steer directly in front of the machine. He swerved a moment too late and crashed into the animal with the left front wheel of his car.

Cantlin was accompanied by Robert Nichols of Broken Bow who was thrown clear of the car, suffering only slight injuries. The car turned over pinning Cantlin beneath it. He was rushed to Gretna where first aid was administered and was brought back to Lincoln that night.

On the way home to the Delta Sigma Phi house, 1510 K street, he conversed with Jas. Mason, a fraternity brother, who made a trip to Gretna to bring Cantlin home. The right side of Cantlin’s face was badly bruised and cut but his condition was not regarded as serious.

By Thursday morning however, Cantlin was in a semi-conscious condition. Dr. J.M. Mayhew was called and ordered Cantlin to the hospital. He remained in a half-stupor all day Thursday but Friday morning regained complete consciousness and talked with his father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. John Henry Cantlin, who came to Lincoln from Alliance when notified of the accident.

He grew steadily worse Friday night and died early Saturday morning. A post mortem examination was held to determine the cause of death which was found to be concussion of the brain.

Cantlin was a member of the university glee club and chorus. He studied voice with Maude Fender Gutzmer and gave a recital in his sophomore year. He would have been a junior this year.

The Delta Sigma Phi fraternity was in charge of funeral services at 3 o’clock Saturday afternoon at Castle, Roger & Mathews’. The body will be h eld there until midnight at which time it will be sent to Alliance where further services will be held Tuesday afternoon.

Mrs. Noble went over to Lincoln Saturday afternoon and accompanied the grief-stricken parents to Alliance, where the funeral service was held yesterday.

The exact date of death was not listed.

Printed in the Blair Pilot on 9/14/1927