Obituary Record

Kenneth James Larsen
Died on 1/26/1932
Buried in Herman Cemetery

Enterprise 28 Jan 1932

Meets Death In Coasting Accident

Kenneth Larsen, 14 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Chris H. Larsen of southwest of Herman, met with an accident Tuesday evening which caused his death. The family was visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schafer and the son had gone out to coast down hill. He did not return with the other children and the father went to look for him, finding him in an unconscious condition. He had apparently struck a post. A physician was called and he was rushed to an Omaha hospital but died before an X-ray could be taken. The examination showed a very bad fracture of the skull. He was an only child.

Funeral services will be held on Friday at two o’clock from Herman and interment will be made in the Herman cemetery.

Herman Record 4 Feb 1932

Kenneth Larsen Laid In An Untimely Grave

Schoolmates and S.S. Classmates Attend Funeral In Body

The funeral services for Kenneth Larsen were held at the Baptist church Sunday afternoon at 2 o’clock, having been postponed from Friday because of the condition of the roads which were blocked with snow. Rev. T. J. Reese of Pawnee City officiated assisted by Rev. M. R. Shanks of Omaha and Rev. C. C. Norlin of Herman. Vocal music was furnished by Mrs. Ivan Helms, Mrs. Claude Yowell, C. R. Gray and Fred Robertson with Mrs. F. B. Shrader at the piano.

The active pall bearers were Clare Skinner, Charles and Malcolm Brodersen, Elmer Vinderslev, Clarence Hansen and Pete Curley. Honorary pall bearers were Bobby Reese of Pawnee City, Stanley Truhlsen, Raymond Kubie, Leonard Vinderslev, Irwin Clements and Bobby Petersen.

Enterprise 4 Feb 1932

Kenneth Larsen

Kenneth James, son of Mr. and Mrs. Chris Larsen was born near Telbasta, December 26, 1918 and passed away at the Methodist hospital in Omaha, January 26, 1932 at the age of 18 years, 1 month.

He attended the Hill Creek school at the time of his death. In this school as well as all others he had attended he was an honor student. He was in the ninth grade this present year making splendid records in his school work. He endeared himself to his teachers and schoolmates. He was fair in his play often taking the part of an older brother with little children.

He was a good Christian boy and accepted Christ in November, 1930. He loved Sunday school work and was faithful to Sunday school. He was a kind and dutiful son and was a great blessing to his mother during her years of poor health. He loved his parents and will be greatly missed in the home and by other relatives and a host of friends.

Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at the home at one o’clock and at the Baptist church (rest missing).

Enterprise 4 Feb 1932

Funeral services for Kenneth Larsen, aged 13 years, 1 month, son of Mr. and Mrs. Chris Larsen and an only child, who was killed in a coasting accident Tuesday evening, were held Sunday afternoon at the home at one o’clock and at the Baptist church at two o’clock. Rev. T. J. Reese of Pawnee City was in charge. Burial was made in the Herman cemetery.

Note: He is buried in the Herman Cemetery in Block 6, Lot 3, Plot 4; Find a Grave # 76023243.

~~~ Obituary courtesy of the Washington County Genealogical Society. Newspaper clippings on file in the Blair Public Library at Blair, Nebraska.~~~

Printed in the Washington County Enterprise on 1/28/1932