Obituary Record

John W. Hiatt
Died on 4/17/1894
Buried in Blair Cemetery

Published in the Blair Courier April 18, 1894

(The website Find A Grave identified his exact death date as April 17, 1894, and his burial at Blair Cemetery.)

Died at his residence in this city of dropsy of the heart and other troubles, John w. Hiatt, in the 55th year of his age.


Thus passes away another old comrade whose decease has been expected for a week or more at any time. His condition was such that he was not able to lie down on a bed for some weeks, but was compelled to recline in a chair or on pillows by day and by night and whose sufferings have been very great.

Comrade Hiatt served as a private in Co. “B” 40th regiment, Iowa Vol. and while in that service in the vicinity of Bowling Green, Kentucky, some time in December, 1862, contracted the disease from which he finally died.

He was a laboring man and for years tried to make his living by manual labor doing all that he could under his disabilities, but was never able to count upon making a continuous hand. His presence with the members of the post was generally expected and he will be greatly missed by them.

In recognition of his disabilities the government allowed his claim for pension many years ago and he was a pensioner at the time of his death.

His last winter was spent in chopping wood some where on the Missouri river in Burt County. He always did all he could to make a living by manual labor. He was quite resigned to his…

(The rest of this obituary is missing and is not on file at the Blair Public Library.) Find A Grave Memorial# 57412130

Printed in the Blair Courier on 4/18/1894