Obituary Record

Catherine M. (Anderson) Hinrichs
Date of Death Unavailable
Buried in Blair Cemetery

Catherine M. Hinrichs, well known in this community, passed away at 2:30 p.m. at the Swedish Emanuel hospital in Omaha, Sunday as the result of a complication of diseases.

Deceased was born in Germany, Feb. 9, 1863 and came to America with her parents at about the age of eighteen years. They first settled in Illinois where she was married to John Hinrichs. In 1893 they came to Nebraska where the husband passed away about twenty-four years ago. Since the death of her husband she has made her home with her brother, Hans Anderson, who now resides in Florence. Before moving to Florence, the Hans Anderson family lived for many years on the Bench and there are many in that locality who remember the deceased well and who regret her passing.

To Mr. and Mrs. Hinrichs twelve children were born, four of whom are still living, as follows: Mrs. Ed Johnson of Fremont; Mrs. Andrew Johnson of Fargo, North Dakota; George Hinrichs of North Bend, Nebraska and John Hinrichs of Fremont; also nine grandchildren and one great-grandchild.

The funeral services were held Tuesday at 12:30 from the home of her brother in Florence and at 2:30 from the German Lutheran church of this city of which she was a member and interment was made in the Blair cemetery.

Mrs. Hinrichs was a woman of fine character, always a kind and loving mother and a good neighbor and she will be greatly missed in her circle of acquaintances.

A puzzle: ***Handwritten note says this obituary was published in the Enterprise on 14 February 1929. Another handwritten note says that she died on 13 June 1912. We couldn't establish which date is correct.