Obituary Record

James F Fitzgerald
Died on 11/22/1962


James F. Fitzgerald Died Last Friday

By Thos. J. Fitzgerald

An era ended in this tiny Irish settlement of Garryowen last Friday with the untimely death of one of its leading citizens, James F. Fitzgerald. Although he will be sorely missed, it is quite certain that the memory of this man and his deeds will long be cherished in the hearts and minds of all who have come in contact with his unique personality.

Born of pioneer stock, this third son of Daniel and Johannah Fitzgerald received his early education at the old Garryowen School. It was evident even in his formative years that this man would leave his mark on the history pages of this neighborhood as well as surrounding vicinities. As a young man he began to develop this unique personality for which he will always be remembered. After completing his formal education at Fort Calhoun High School, he began to work on the family farm. It was on this original homestead that he spent the rest of his adult life.

Most of the people who have met this man probably member him best for the unusual and interesting way he could talk to people. Not only was he a master story teller, but also could demonstrate his very entertaining talents as an actor as well. It has often been said that if his hands were tied he would be unable to get his story told. But this unusual talent was a minor facet indeed when compared to the many other things that he accomplished while he lived. He was a leading pillar in the community having served on the local school board for close to thirty years before he voluntarily retired; he served on many an election board, Red Cross campaign drives, polio communities, and many other functions that always benefitted his fellow man. He was a man who gave of himself not only to the community, but to his church and fellow man as well. It was not at all peculiar or unusual for him to be seen visiting a sick neighborhood or friend, dancing a jog for the entertainment of the old folks at St. Vincent’s Home, or at Christmas time, delivering packages to those people less fortunate than himself.

Mr. Fitzgerald, 63, died last Friday afternoon of a coronary attack. He was survived by 1 sister, Miss Hannah; 1 brother, Daniel J; 4 nephews and 4 nieces.

Note: Since actual death date was not given, the news article date was used.

Printed in the Washington County Enterprise on 11/22/1962