Obituary Record

Mabel E. (Newkirk) Foster
Died on 7/29/1928
Buried in Lincoln Cemetery

2 Aug. 1928 Enterprise Newspaper

The sad news of the death of Mrs. Mabel Foster was received here Sunday morning, she having passed away at the Clarkson Hospital in Omaha Saturday night. Her death was a shock to her many friends here. She has been in poor health the past few months and had been at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Newkirk near Orum and it was not generally known here that her illness was serious. She is survived by her husband, Wm., her parents, brothers and sisters and numerous other relatives and friends. Short services were held at the home at two o’clock Tuesday afternoon and later at the church conducted by Rev. T. J. Reese of Pawnee City, Neb., a former pastor of the Baptist Church here. Burial was made in the Orum Cemetery near her girlhood home. We extend our sympathy to the bereaved ones.

The following was from the Orum Briefs in the 9 August 1928 Enterprise Newspaper:

Many were in attendance at the funeral of Mrs. Floyd Foster last Tuesday afternoon. Mable was born Dec. 18, 1898, and passed away July 29, 1928, so was not quite thirty years old. Rev. Reese formerly of Herman, assisted by Rev. Knud Larsen of Kennard, had charge of the services at the house and at the Danish Church at Orum. Interment was in Orum Cemetery. Besides her husband, she leaves to mourn her early death, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Newkirk; five sisters, Mrs. Fred Skov, Mrs. Ted Buckardt, ?len, Opia lee and Hazel, and brother, Raymond. Orum friends extend sincere sympathy to the bereaved ones.

Tribune 9 Aug 1928

Orum Lady Expires

Mrs. Floyd Foster Dies at Hospital in Omaha

Mable Elizabeth Newkirk was born in Washington county, December 18, 1898, and died at an Omaha hospital July 29th after a lingering illness. The deceased was married February 14, 1924, to Floyd Foster and since that time the couple have made their home near Orum. She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Newkirk of this county and was highly thought of by all who knew her.

Funeral services were held from the Lutheran church at Orum on July 31st, the Rev. Reese of Pawnee City and the Rev. Knud Larsen of Kennard, officiating, after which burial was made in the Orum cemetery. She leaves to mourn her loss her bereaved husband, her father and mother, five sisters and one brother.

Obituaries courtesy of Washington County, Nebraska Genealogical Association; newspaper clippings on file at the Public Library, Blair, Nebraska

FindaGrave # 189796353

Printed in the Washington County Enterprise on 8/2/1928