Obituary Record

Martin H "Corn" Smith
Died on 12/1/1903
Buried in Blair Cemetery

#1-2 Dec., 1903 - The Pilot - Martin H. Smith

On Tuesday morning news reached Blair that M. H. Smith was dead. About a week ago Mr. Smith went to Omaha to place himself under the care of a physician. No one had supposed that his trouble was anything serious, and the news of his death came as a great surprise and shock to his many friends here. On Tuesday, Nov. 10th, Mr. and Mrs. Smith celebrated their golden wedding at their DeSoto home and nearly one hundred were the invited guests that were present. It was one of the largest gatherings of old settlers ever held in the county. It was old time talk all day. Less than a month has passed and now they are called upon to mourn his death. Mr. Smith has been a resident of Washington county for over twenty four years, and has been one of her most prosperous and progressive farmers. Corn was his hobby and he has made more than a state reputation in the corn line for from nearly a dozen states he has for several years filled order for seed corn. Mr. Smith was over seventy years old. Besides his family he leaves one brother, Dan, in California; Miland in Virginia and one sister, Mrs. John Donnelly in Ohio. The funeral services will be held from the home in DeSoto Thursday morning at 10 o’clock, Rev. Wilson officiating. Interment in Blair cemetery.

#2-Published in Blair Republic on 3 December 1903 (photo)

Burial in Blair Cemetery


Martin H. Smith, otherwise known as "Corn" Smith, of DeSoto, is dead. The news arrived here early yesterday morning and was a great surprise to all, for few had heard of his illness which was of but few days duration.

He had suffered some of heart trouble and on Thanksgiving day his son, Lee, took him to the Wise Memorial hospital in Omaha for treatment. He had not slept well Monday night and at almost about 4 o'clock Tuesday morning got up and dressed himself and then sat down in a rocking chair, hoping to rest better. The nurses saw him sitting there apparent asleep and did not attempt to disturb him until about 8 o'clock when they brought his breakfast, but when they tried to awaken him they found that he was dead.

The body was brought up to the old home at DeSoto in the afternoon from where the funeral will be held at 10 o'clock Thursday. Rev. W.A. Wilson of this city, will conduct the service and interment will take place in the Blair Cemetery.

Mrs. Smith was prostrated upon receipt of the news of her husband's sudden death, for it was only the 10th day of last month that they celebrated their golden wedding and death seemed so far away from them that happy day.

Mr. Smith was born in Erie county, Penn., about seventy-two year ago and was married to Miss Elizabeth Oberst in Columbiana county, Ohio. From there they moved to Stuben county, Indiana, where their four children were born, and where they lived for twenty-three years. One son died in infancy and Columbus died in this county about nine years ago. Lee Smith and Mrs. Jas. Wilds both live near the old home in DeSoto township, where Mr. and Mrs. Smith and family settled upon coming to this county in 1869.

Mr. Smith had a state reputation as a corn grower and took innumerable prizes at county, state and national fairs. In late years his son, Lee, was connected with him in the seed corn business under the name of M.H. Smith & Son.

~~~ Obituary courtesy of the Washington County Genealogical Society. Newspaper clippings on file in the Blair Public Library at Blair, Nebraska.~~~

Find a Grave # 117255187

Printed in the Blair Republican on 12/3/1903