Obituary Record

Elsie Lorena Gaines
Died on 5/20/1899
Buried in Kennard Cemetery

BLAIR COURIER (Blair, Nebraska)- Thursday, May 2, 1899- Page 8.


Elsie Gaines, age 15 years, 3 days, died at her home in Kennard last Saturday morning of cerebo meningitis after an illness of nearly one month. Elsie was the daughter of Wm. Gaines, who was for one year a resident of Blair. She was a girl of unusually strong and womanly character, a lovable disposition and a favorite among her friends and schoolmates.

Her death is a great shock to the community. The funeral services were held at the M. E. church Monday forenoon, conducted by Rev. J. H. Brooks. The following sketch of her life and a poem was read by Prof. M. A. Sams.

Elsie Lorena Gaines was born in Kennard, Neb., May 17, 1884, and died at her home in Kennard, May 20, 1899, aged 15 years 3 days.

The first 12 years of her life was lived in Kennard, the family then moving to Blair where they resided one year, thence moving back to Kennard where they have since resided.

The deceased was an active member of the Kennard Grace M. E. church, a worker in the Sunday school, being organist at the time of her death, and was also an active member of the Epworth League. She united with the church on March 20, 1894, and has since been a regular attendant upon all the church services, a devoted Christian making her life conform to her profession and wielding a strong influence for good among her many associates. She was obedient, industrious, self-sacrificing, a faithful, loving daughter and sister in the home, always ready and willing to minister to the wants and needs of others. During the year she had been pursuing a course in music and was making rapid progress.

In school her life can be summed up as that of an ideal pupil, not only in the regular routine of her school work but in her social and fraternal intercourse with her schoolmates. She was a member of the Eighth grade of which seven are left to mourn her untimely departure. She expected to be, and would have been, a member of the Junior class of the High School next year and would have graduated the year following, but she has graduated from this earthly course; she has been promoted, and what a blessed promotion it is. She now sits at the feet of the Great Teacher, the one "who spake as never man spake and as one having authority."

She will be missed from the home circles, she will be missed from the church, her seat in school will be vacant, but she will not be missed in heaven. God had better things in store for her and she has gone to claim them.

THE PILOT (Blair, Nebraska)- Thursday, May 25, 1899-Page 5.

Kennard, May 23, 1899.

Elsie Lorena Gaines was born in Kennard, Nebraska, May 17, 1884, died at her home in Kennard May 20, 1899, after an illness of twenty-eight days. The funeral services were held at the M. E. church Monday forenoon conducted by Rev. J. H. Brooks assisted by Rev. Butts. Elsie was a bright little girl of sterling character and one whom to know was to love. She was an earnest Christian and exemplified her profession in her every day life, was kind, obedient and industrious at home and always anxious and eager in her endeavors to make others happy. Her death is a great shock to the community. Her remains were borne to their last resting place by six girls of the eighth grade of which the deceased was a member. The display of flowers was immense but which vaguely expressed the sympathy extended to the bereaved family by their many friends.- A FRIEND.

Obituary the courtesy of the Washington County Genealogical Society. Record on file at the Blair Public Library.

Printed in the Blair Courier on 5/2/1899