Obituary Record

Johanna (Hansen) Jensen
Died on 7/3/1956
Buried in Kennard Cemetery

JOHANNA JENSEN DIED TUESDAY (These two obituaries contain several errors! J.J.)

1- printed in The Enterprise, July 5, 1956

Mrs. Johanna Jensen, 81-year-old Kennard woman, passed away Tuesday, July 3rd at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Jacobs of southwest of Blair. She had spent her entire life in or near Kennar

The deceased was the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hansen and was born at Kennard August 23, 1874. She grew to womanhood in that vicinity and married Henry Jensen who preceded her in death in 1950

She is survived by six children (ERROR: 8 children) and three sisters (ERROR: 1 sister); a brother, 28 grandchildren and 32 great-grandchildren.

?he sons are Art Jensen, Kennard; Albert Jensen, Blair; Oscar Jensen, Blair; Leslie Jensen of Seattle, Washington; and Bill Jensen of Alma, Nebraska. Mrs. Mable Swanson of Bennington, is a daughter. (ALSO: 2 more daughters: Ella Rahlfs and Bertha Jacobs, of Blair.

She is survived by three sisters (ERROR: 1 sister, Mrs. George Kuhr, Blair). A brother, Henry Hansen, lives at Benson.

Funeral services were held July 6th at Emmaus Lutheran Church in Kennard with the Rev. Reid Neve conducting the service. Burial, undewr the direction of the Campbell Service, of Blair, was made in the Kennard Cemetery.

Pallbearers were Japp Rosenbaum, Lester Rosenbaum, Nels Lauritsen, Milo Jeppeson, Hans Vogt and Harry Svogerson.

2- printed in Pilot-Tribune, July 12, 1956



Funeral services for Mrs. Johanna Jensen, 81, Kennard, who died suddenly last Tuesday night, were held Friday at the Kennard Lutheran Church, the Rev. Ried Neve officiating. Interment followed in Kennard Cemetery.

Mrs. Jensen was born Aug. 23, 1874, near Kennard and has been a resident of Washington County her entire life. She and Arthur Jensen(ERROR: Henry Jensen) were married Oct. 26, 1894. He died six years ago.

Survivors include five sons, Art Jensen of Kennard, Bill Jensen of Alma, Leslie Jensen of Seattle, Wash., Albert and Oscar Jensen, both of Blair; and three daughters, Mrs. Lloyd Jacobs of near Blair with whom she was making her home, Mrs. Harry Swansen (Mable) of Bennington and Mrs. Roy Rahlfs (Ella) of Blair. There are 28 grandchildren and 32 great-grandchildren.

Other survivors include a brother, Henry Hansen of near Benson and a sister, Mrs. George H. Kuhr, Blair. Another sister, Mrs. P.J. Christensen, died several years ago.

Pallbearers were Les Rosenbaum, Milo Jeppesen, Hans Vogt, Harry Svogerson, Japp Rosenbaum and Nels Lauritzen.

The Campbell Mortuary was in charge of arrangements.

Obituary courtesy of the Washington County Genealogical Society. Newspaper clipping on file at the Blair Public library.

Printed in the Washington County Enterprise on 7/5/1956