Obituary Record

Lars Jensen
Died on 12/30/1901


1 - printed in the Pilot, Dec. 30, 1901

Lars Jensen of Kennard, who has been section foreman on the Elkhorn at Kennard for the last fourteen years, was killed at the curve just west of Kennard Saturday mornong by the M.& O. train out of Omaha at 6:00 a.m. Owing to the freight wreck near DeSoto, the M.& O. run by way of Arlington and being "wild" Mr. Jensen knew nothing of it till it was upon him. He stopped the hand car and had it half off the track when he was struck and thrown clear out of the rightaway.

He leaves a wife and seven children, the oldest one 18 and the youngest one a baby of six months. He carried no insurance. The M.& O. train wqas in charge of Conductor Carter but no blame is due the train crew. Mr. Jensen was a man of about 50 years and an honest, hard working man, highly respected at home and a faithful employee of the F.E.& M.V.

2- printed in the Blair Courier, Jan. 2, 1902.

The Saturday morning train from Omaha went around by Arlington on account of the wreck near DeSoto and when about three fourths of a mile west of Kennard they ran into a hand car and instantly killed Lars Jensen, the section boss.

Mr. Jensen and Chris Nelson were pushing the hand car out over the track and when they heard the engine whistle, they stopped and lifted the front end off the track. The "Irish Mail" was late and they were expecting it, but did not know a passenger train was coming until it hove in sight going at a higher rate of speed than the freights usually run. Nelson saw the engine was too close for them to try to get the other end of the car off the track, but Larsen knew that if he left it he would lose his job so he went back to lift the other end off when the engine struck him, killing him instantly and carrying him for some distance on the pilot. The hand car struck Nelson and bruised him up some, but not seriously. Coroner Pierce, Sheriff Mencke and County Attorney Aye went over Monday to hold the inquest and the jury found that Mr. Larsen had met his death by accident, and the train crew was not at fault in the least.

The funeral was held at the Danish church in Kennard Tuesday afternoon, the services being conducted by Rev. K. Anker, president of the Blair College, and C.X. Hansen, one of the teachers. He leaves a wife and eight children and carried no insurance. He had been section boss for about twelve years and was a good faithful worker and the railroad company will certainly deal liberally with his family.

(Please note that this article changes the name of the deceased man from Mr. Lars Jensen to Mr. Larsen.)

Printed in the Blair Pilot on 12/30/1901