Obituary Record

Edwin T., DDS Jipp
Died on 3/23/1967


Exact death date was not recorded.

Place of burial was not recorded.

Published in The Enterprise, 3/23/1967.



Dr. Edwin T. Jipp, long-time Blair dentist, died at Memorial Community Hospital last Saturday following a lingering illness.

He had been a dentist here for forty years during which time he took an active interest in a great many community activities.

Dr. Jipp was born January 21, 1899 at Ft. Calhoun, Nebraska, the son of Henry and Carrie Jipp who were pioneer residents of the county. He died at the age of 68 years, one month, 25 days.

His boyhood days were spent at Fort Calhoun but he went to Omaha as a young man where he graduated from Creighton Prep and then from the school of Dentistry at Creighton University. His first dental practice was at Dannebrog, Nebr. From there he moved to Blair, Nebraska in March of 1927. He practiced Dentistry here until 1965.

He was married to Miss Helen Rohwer on June 17, 1925 and to this union was born one son, Edwin T., Jr. and one daughter, Margaret.

Among his many interests were first his friends and his community but his lifelong work was in dentistry. He presented numerous clinics at dental conventions in neighboring states and on two occasions presented clinics at the convention of the American Dental Association. He was an officer and past president of the Tri-county Dental Association.

He was a member of the 1948 Blair Park Board which enlarged the City Park and supervised the planting of 1700 trees and shrubs by children of the Blair City Schools.

As a member of one of the pioneer families of Washington County, he was very interested in local history and was president of the Washington County Historical Society and a director of the Fort Atkinson Foundation. In these capacities he served as chairman of the committee that sponsored the Fort Atkinson Days Celebration at Ft. Calhoun in 1962.

A past president of the Blair Rotary Club, he was responsible during his membership in that organization for setting up an early soil testing service for the farmers in the county.

He has led a lifelong interest in music and was a member in many local music organizations throughout his life. The Mutual Concert Society was one of his many activities along this line. He directed the high school band at Fort Calhoun for a number of years and was instrumental in the drive that produced uniforms for the Blair High School Band in 1949.

His interest in young people led him to give continued support to the Boy Scouts. He was on the sponsoring committee and was an adult leader in troop No. 143 for a number of years.

During his tenure on the Board of Public Works, from 1958 until his death, several large improvements were made to the city utilities.