Obituary Record

Amanda (Wright) (Slayback) Dunkle
Died on 12/30/1938


Mrs. Dunkle Dies Here At Age 85

Pioneer Resident Moved Back To Blair Four Years Ago From Iowa

Mrs. Manda Dunkle, 85, pioneer countian who moved back here only four years ago after residing in Logan, Iowa, died Friday night at the Mike Ingerslev home, Fifth and Lincoln Streets, where she roomed.

The body was taken to the Bendorf Funeral Home, where services were held Sunday at 2 p.m., in charge of the Rev. Ralph P. Rasmussen of First Methodist Church. Burial was in Kennard Cemetery.

Mrs. Dunkle, as Manda Wright, was born June 8, 1853, in Ohio, and came to Washington County, Nebraska, with her parents as a child. She was raised to womanhood in the Wranch neighborhood south of Blair.

On March 21, 1870, she was married to Thomas Slayback. To this union seven children were born. She was married to William Dunkle in 1906 following her first husband’s death. He died in 1934.

Surviving Mrs. Dunkle are a granddaughter, Mrs. Walter Gustin; two great-grandchildren; and one sister, Mrs. Mattie Melton of Los Alamos, California.

Mrs. Dunkle was a member of the Women’s Relief Corps here.

Mrs. Amanda Dunkle Passes

Mrs. Amanda Dunkle passed away on December 30, 1938, after a long and lingering illness. She was born in Ohio on June 8, 1853, and was thus past 85 years of age at her death.

In 1872 she was married to Thomas Slayback and to them seven children were born, three of whom died in infancy. Their home was on a farm near Kennard and here her husband died.

Later she sold the farm and moved to Woodbine, Iowa, where she purchased a small farm and here she met and married William Dunkle.

For some time she has made Blair her home and here she was an active member of the local Relief Corps.

Funeral rites were held at 2:00 o’clock on Sunday, January 1st from the Bendorf Funeral Home with Rev. Ralph P. Rasmussen officiating and interment was made in the family plot in the Kennard Cemetery.