Obituary Record

George Waldo Gossard
Died on 8/7/1914


Enterprise 7 Aug 1914

Death Again Takes Toll

Twice Within Three Weeks In Same Home

Brought Here For Interment

Gladys Metzinger, aged 19, and George Waldo Gossard, aged 23 Cross the Dark River

The body of George Waldo Gossard, age 23 years was brought here from Sheridan, Wyo., for burial last Monday. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gossard, former residents of this county, in the Admah neighborhood, his father being a brother to P. J. Gossard, of this city, and his mother, Miss Jennie Dawson, daughter of George Dawson, deceased, an old-time resident of that neighborhood, and a sister to Jessie Dawson, now Mrs. E. N. Bradley, residing at Duluth, and Miss Agnes Dawson, deceased, teachers in the Blair schools for many years in the early days, and also to Irwell Dawson, formerly employed by the writer as clerk in the Blair post office and also as clerk in a store here in Blair and subsequently in the Drover’s Journal office at South Omaha.

The parents of deceased reside at Columbus, the young man being engaged at the time of his death on a cattle ranch near Sheridan, Wyoming, as assistant foreman.

He was a graduate of the Fremont Normal and had attended the State University for three years, was a very capable young man and much esteemed.

Two sisters and three brothers beside his parents survive him. Funeral services were held at Columbus, Rev. Geo. Williams preaching the sermon. The parents, Irwell Dawson, uncle of deceased, Mrs. J. B. Adams and daughter, Beulah, of Omaha, Mrs. Ward Loomis and Mrs. R. McPherson, of Craig were here at the interment.

Note: Since the actual death date was not given, the news article date was used.