Obituary Record

Victor G. Lantry
Died on 5/29/1912

Two newspaper articles

Since the exact death date was not given, the first news article date was used.

# 1 - - from The Tribune, 5/29/1912



Wednesday’s dispatches brought the announcement of the death of our one-time citizen, Victor G. Lantry, brother of L. L. Lantry and Mrs. Walton, wife of Attorney W. C. Walton of Blair.

The deceased and his brother, L. L. came to Washington county in 1866 and homesteaded. Victor G. made money fast and at one time owned large bodies of land here and was proprietor of Highland ranch. He finally went to Omaha and there lost out.

After his reverses he went to Colorado and there made another fortune and about twenty years ago went to Cody, Wyoming, where he died Tuesday morning.

While residing here, Mr. Lantry filled the office of county surveyor and he was engaged in the newspaper business at one time. He was always prominent in politics and had newspaper interests wherever located.

Mr. Lantry was 71 years old. He is survived by two daughters, residing in New York City; a son, Victor G. Lantry, jr., residing in Livingston, Montana; and another son, Sperry Lantry of Kansas City; his brother, L. L., and sister, Mrs. Walton, of Blair.

The Cody dispatches say: “Victor G. Lantry, sr., was a native of Connecticut and had resided in the Big Horn Basin since 1899. His exceptional mental qualities won him prominence in all public affairs. He was the official head of the republican party here and part owner of the Herald. He was a member of St. John’s lodge of Masons, Omaha. His funeral will take place in Cody Thursday, after which the remains will be shipped to Omaha for interment.”

# 2 - - from Blair Democrat, 5/30/1912

V. G. Lantry, a former resident of Blair and well known to all our old settlers, died Tuesday at Cody, Wyo., where he had lived since 1899. He was 68 years old and a brother L. L. Lantry of this city. The remains will be shipped to Omaha and the funeral held under the auspices of the Knights Templar, of which order the deceased was a member. He leaves two sons and two daughters.