Obituary Record

William Andersen
Died on 11/30/1964
Buried in Lincoln Cemetery

William Andersen Died Friday, Services Monday

William Andersen, 79 years of age, of Herman, died Friday at Memorial Community Hospital.

Services were held today (Monday) at the Orum Lutheran Church, the Rev. Harold Laursen officiating, with burial in the Orum Cemetery.

Mr. Andersen is survived by his wife, Irene; sisters, Mrs. Earl Thompson, Mrs. Henry Wolsman and Mrs. Lulu Wolsman, all of Blair; brothers, Chris and Pete of Herman and Carl Andersen of Blair.

One brother and four sisters preceded him in death.

He was born at Herman, Nebr., Feb. 7, 1885, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Peder Andersen, and baptized in the Lutheran faith. He farmed in the Spiker vicinity all his life.

On March 22, 1933 he was united in marriage to Miss Irene Coulter.

Pallbearers were Earl W. Thompson, Elton Thompson, Harley Thompson, Carroll Thompson, Lowell Thompson and Donald Andersen.

The Bendorf Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements.

Printed in the Washington County Pilot-Tribune on 11/30/1964