Obituary Record

Marie Josephine Lazure
Died on 1/24/1917
Buried in Holy Cross (Catholic Church) Cemetery

#1 Published in The Pilot, January 24, 1917

Miss Mary Lazure, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Lazure, living west of DeSoto, died today at noon from an attack of pneumonia. Miss Lazure attended at the bedside of a cousin, Mrs. Thos. Craven, whose death was reported in last weeks’ Pilot and since then has been taking care of her family of six small children. This and the unfavorable weather are responsible for her contracting the deadly malady. She is survived by three sisters, Margaret, living at home; Teresa, of Omaha; and Mrs. Jerry Foley, of DeSoto; and by five brothers, Joseph, Patrick, Ernest, James and Charles. Miss Mary was next to the oldest of the nine children. Funeral services will be held from the Catholic church in Blair at 10:30 Saturday morning. Rev. Father O’Driscoll will be assisted by priests from out of the city.

#2 Published in the Tribune January 31, 1917

Mary Josephine Lazure passed away at the home of her parents south of Blair, at 1:30 p.m. Wednesday, January 24, 1917.

Deceased was born in this county on her father’s homestead, what is now the Coupal farm just south of the old Vacoma store, and post office, on January 25, 1874, where the family lived until she was three years of age when her father traded for what is now the Joe Harvey farm about one and one half miles east of their former home. Here they resided until about thirty-four years ago when they moved to their present home in DeSoto township.

Mary was the second born, her brother, Joseph, being the oldest in the family and her senior by two years, their birthdays falling on the same day, January 25. She was educated in the Blair High School and was a teacher in the schools of the county for about ten years, but for the last twelve years she has resided at home.

After the death of her cousin, Mrs. Thomas Craven, she felt called upon to go to the Craven home and render what assistance she could in the bereaved household and while there contracted a severe cold and not wishing to be ill away from home came to her own home but was taken ill on Monday night with a chill. A physician was called on Tuesday morning and everything possible was done for her but she grew rapidly worse and Wednesday forenoon informed the family that the end was near and at noon called them to her bedside and bade good-bye and quietly passed away at 1:30 p.m.

She was a lady of refinement and culture, an example of all that could be asked in one of true worth and the news of her death came as a shock to the friends and acquaintances of the bereaved family. She is the first to go, the first break in this family of old settlers.

She leaves to mourn her aged father and mother and her brothers and sisters as follow: Joseph, Patrick, Ernest, Chas., and Mrs. Jerry Foley, all married and in homes of their own in this county, Margaret and James at home, and Theresa, who is a cashier of the Harding Cream Company of Omaha.

The funeral services were held Saturday at 10:30 a.m. at the Catholic Church and interment was made in the Blair Cemetery.

#3 Printed in the January 25, 1917 Blair Democrat, Blair, Nebraska

Death Comes Suddenly to Miss Mary Lazure

Sorrow invaded the home of the Lazure family Wednesday morning, when Miss Mary Lazure dropped peacefully into the arms of her Maker, following sixty hours of illness.

When the late Mrs. Thomas Craven passed away last week, Miss Lazure, who is a cousin of the deceased, went to the house of mourning and took care of the six motherless children. Saturday, Miss Lazure was suddenly stricken with pneumonia and was taken to the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Lazure, south of Blair, where she died. The circumstances connected with the case are particularly pathetic for, in acting the Good Samaritan, her own life was sacrificed.

Miss Lazure leaves to mourn her loss the following named members of her immediate family, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Lazure, five brothers, Joseph, Patrick, Ernest, James and Charles Lazure, one married sister, Mrs. Jerimiah Foley, and Margaret and Treasa Lazure, the latter residing in Omaha.

Funeral services will be held at the Catholic church in Blair at 10:30 a.m. Saturday, where a solemn requiem mass for the soul of the departed will be held. Rev. Father O’Driscoll will be assisted in the services by priests from other cities.

~~~Obituaries courtesy of the Washington County Genealogical Society. Newspaper clippings on file in the Blair Public Library at Blair, Nebraska.~~~ Note: her name is spelled Marie on the tombstone

FindaGrave # 131250534

Printed in the Blair Pilot on 1/24/1917