Obituary Record

Frank Epperson
Died on 5/25/1961


Frank Epperson Dies At Home

Frank Epperson, a guest of Crowell Home for the past two years, died at Memorial Community Hospital in Blair Wednesday.

Mr. Epperson was a native of Omaha. He was born at Eddyville, Iowa, in 1876, and is survived by his wife, two daughters and a son. The daughters are Mrs. Mary Smith, Eagle Grove, Iowa, and Mrs. Lynette Bender, Wilmington, Delaware. The son is Arthur Epperson, Klamouth Falls, Oregon.

Funeral services are being held Friday in Omaha with interment made in the Hillcrest Cemetery.

Note: Since no death date was given, the news article date was used.

Printed in the Washington County Enterprise on 5/25/1961