Obituary Record

Levi Elias Wilcox
Died on 4/24/1913
Buried in Blair Cemetery

#1-Tribune 30 Apr 1913


Death has visited our community often during the past few months and taken alike the young and the old, leaving desolate the homes where he has been.

Friday morning, April 24, Levi Elias Wilcox passed to the world beyond after several weeks’ illness with typhoid fever.

Levi was born in Washington County, Nebraska, Feb. 13, 1900, and died at the family home five miles northwest of Blair, aged 11 years, 2 months and 12 days. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Phineas Wilcox, who with another son, Minot, are left to mourn the death of a loving son and brothers.

Levi was a bright, precocious boy just arriving at the age of activity where life begins to expand and ambitions arise more fully in the life of a boy. He was kind and obedient in the home and popular with his school mates and a boy loved by many friends because of his manly bearing.

The funeral was held at the Methodist Church in Blair Saturday afternoon and all that was mortal of Levi Wilcox was borne to its last resting place by schoolboy friends, Rev. C. P. Lang speaking words of comfort to the father, who alone of the immediate family could be present at the obsequies, the mother and son, Minot, both being ill with the same disease.

The large circle of friends of the family extend their loving condolence in this very sad hour and hope for the speedy recovery of the mother and brother who are grief-ssstricken with the loss of their loved one.

#2-Blair Democrat 1 May 1913


Levi, the 11 year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Fin Wilcox, mention of whose sickness with typhoid fever was made in these columns last week, died Thursday night and the funeral was held Saturday afternoon, the pall bearers being selected from among the little fellow’s former schoolmates. Levi was a bright young fellow and was highly thought of by those who knew him as was attested by the floral offerings sent by the school board, his teacher and playmates of the Summers School.

#3-Pilot April 30, 1913

Levi Elias Wilcox was born in Washington County, Neb., Feb. 13, 1903, and departed this life at his home, 5 miles northwest of Blair, Friday, April 24, 1913, age 11 years, 2 months, 12 days. He as a son of Phineas and Theresa Wilcox, who, with an only brother, Minot, are left to mourn his untimely death. Levi was a bright, precocious boy, obedient and helpful in the home, and general favorite among his schoolmates, six of whom were pallbearers. On account of sickness none of the family but his father were able to attend the funeral services, which were conducted by Rev. Land at the Blair M. E. Church on Saturday afternoon. Interment was made in the Blair Cemetery.

Obituary courtesy of the Washington County Genealogical Society. Newspaper clipping on file at the Blair Public library.