Obituary Record

Regina Klotz
Died on 7/18/1922
Buried in Kennard Cemetery


The sad news that Mrs. Regina Klotz had passed away Sunday morning at six o’clock, came as a shock to her large host of friends. She had been very low for several days and it was known Saturday that she only had a few hours left on this earth. She was suffering from diabetes and had been at an Omaha hospital taking treatments for the past few weeks but as nothing could be done for her, she wished to be taken home and her last hours spent with her children.

Mrs. Regina Klotz was born in Baden, Germany, October 6, 1864. She came to America in 1887 and on the 22 day of December, 1891 was joined in holy wedlock to Max Klotz. To this union seven children were born, one dying in infancy.

Mr. Klotz preceded her to the great beyond Sept. 30, 1921, meeting with a sad and accidental death. Mrs. Klotz leaves to mourn her departure, her six children, name; John, Max, Lena, Mary, George and Albert besides a large host of friends who extend their deepest sympathy to the children who are now left without a living relative in the United States.

Mrs. Klotz was 58 years, 9 months and 10 days old at the time of her demise and had lived a long and useful life. Everyone with whom she came in contact was a friend who will truly miss a kind and loving neighbor and who stand ready to be of any possible assistance to the children. ---Kennard News.

Printed in the Washington County Enterprise on 7/27/1922