Obituary Record

Edmonia (Lamb) McCoy
Died on 9/22/1928


Tribune 27 Sept 1928

Expires At Omaha

Mrs. George McCoy Dies After Lingering Illness

Mrs. George McCoy was born in Hardingsberg, Ky., March 31, 1868 and died at an Omaha hospital last Saturday shortly after noon, following a lingering illness. When the deceased was but a few months of age, she came with her parents by boat to Nebraska, landing in Omaha in the spring of 1869. The family located at DeSoto and later moved to Rose Hill where the deceased grew to womanhood.

On September 18, 1884, she was united in marriage to George W. McCoy and to this union six children were born, one son dying in infancy. A daughter, Mrs. Vesta Marsh, died about six years ago. The family lived in the Rose Hill neighborhood until 1917 when they moved to Blair. Mrs. McCoy held a wide acquaintance in this community where she was highly thought of.

She leaves to mourn her loss besides her bereaved husband, one son, Bryan McCoy of Rowood, Arizona; three daughters, Mrs. Bertha Sutherland, Mrs. Vassie Hansen and Miss Evelyn McCoy of this city; three brothers and three sisters, Mrs. Nancy Ryan and Mrs. Mary Allen of this city, Henry Lamb of Grand Island, Wm. Lamb and Mrs. Bessie Meador of Fremont and Charles Lamb of Gage, Oklahoma.

Funeral services were held on Monday afternoon from the Rose Hill church, the Rev. Carl G. Bader, officiating, after which interment was made in the Rose Hill cemetery.

Note: Rose Hill Cemetery listing, Orum: Name Edmonia Lamb McCoy; died Sept. 22, 1928; buried Section 1 Row 1.