Obituary Record

Sophia (Nielsen) Petersen
Died on 8/16/1928


Tribune 16 Aug 1928

Pioneer Lady Dies

Mrs. Hemming Petersen Was an Early Settler of County

Mrs. Sophia Nielsen Petersen died at the family home in the Rose Hill neighborhood last Friday afternoon following a lingering illness. The deceased was born in Denmark, October 28, 1851, and came to Washington county after she had reached womanhood. She was one of the county’s earliest pioneers and held a wide acquaintance throughout the county. Being of a sunny disposition she was held in the highest esteem by her many friends.

She is survived by her bereaved husband, Hemming Petersen; three sons, Peter, Lars P., and Jens L., and three daughters, Mrs. Anna Broderson, Mrs. Mary Anderson and Miss Carrie Petersen, all of this community. A daughter, Katie, preceded her in death.

Funeral services were held from the Rose Hill church at 2:30 o’clock Sunday afternoon, the Rev. P. J. Reinertsen, officiating, after which burial was made in Rose Hill cemetery. A profusion of floral tributes at the last rites were indicative of the high esteem in which she was held.

Note: Since the actual death date was not given, the news article date was used.