Obituary Record

Nancy Jane (Clark) Cushman
Died on 1/2/1929


Since the exact death date was not given, the date of the newspaper article was used.

Pilot, January 2, 1929

The community was saddened to learn of the death of Grandma Cushman as all knew her by, which occurred at the home of her son, Thomas and family, Saturday afternoon, after a lingering illness of several weeks.

Nancy Jane Clark was born in Rockland, Maine, on the 8th day of May, 1843, and passed away at the advanced age of 85 years, 7 months and 21 days. She was one of ten children, four brothers and one sister having preceded her in death. She was united in marriage to Samandel W. Cushman on the 2nd day of February, 1862, in Rockland. They came to Nebraska December 26, 1869 and located on a farm eight miles from Herman. There were born to this union four children, Mrs. Addie F. Lamb, Mrs. Nellie G. Neff, Fred W. and Thomas E. Two of these children, Mrs. Lamb and Fred W., departed from this life several years ago. Since the death of her husband, she has made her home with her son, Thomas and family, where she has been made more than welcome. She is survived by one son and one daughter, sixteen living grandchildren and six great-grandchildren.

She united with the Methodist church at Vacoma, Neb., over fifty years ago and during that time has lived an exemplary Christian life, showing the world by her kind words and loving deeds that she practiced the principles of her Saviour. She had suffered intensely at times during her last illness but no one ever heard a word of complaint or discontent from her, constantly looking on the bright side of life. Her friends in Herman and its vicinity are numbered by the score. The funeral services were held at the Baptist church Monday afternoon at 2 o’clock, Rev. P.H. Peterson in charge. Music was rendered by Mrs. Geo. Lowe, Mrs. P.H. Peterson, Fred Robertson and C.R. Gray with Mrs. O.H. Godsey at the piano. Interment was made in the Rose Hill cemetery.