Obituary Record

Freiderick G. Kruger
Died on 10/1/1928


Five newspaper articles

# 1 - - Tribune, October 4, 1928



Fritz Kruger, a highly respected farmer of the Brown Creek church neighborhood of this county, died Monday afternoon after an illness of three weeks. Funeral services were held from the Brown Creek church Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock.

Mr. Kruger was 72 years of age and was in good health until three weeks ago when he was stricken with brain trouble. He was born in Germany and followed the trade of a brick mason up to the time he came to this country in 1880. He located in Washington county and took up farming and like his neighbors was a hard worker and thrifty and made a good success by his industry. One year after coming here he was married to Miss Mary Klaeneben.

He was a member of the Lutheran church of Brown Creek and was very active in the affairs of the church as well as in the neighborhood in which he lived for he was held in high esteem by everyone who knew him.

The deceased is survived by his widow, three daughters and two sons: Mrs. Fred Scheer, Orchard; Mrs. John Dickmeyer and Mrs. Ed Stork, Arlington; Henry and William Kruger at home.

# 2 - - Pilot, October 10, 1928

ARLINGTON NEWS - - Washington county has lost another old settler in the passing from this life early Monday morning, October 1st, of Frederick Gottlieb Kroeger, who for many years lived in the vicinity of Arlington. He was born September 2nd, 1856, in Westphalia, Germany. He came here in 1880 and has lived here ever since with the exception of one year. Mr. Kroeger has been in failing health for a couple of years and several weeks ago he suffered a paralytic stroke from which he never recovered.

He leaves to mourn his passing an invalid wife, two sons, who live at home, and three daughters, Mrs. John Stork and Mrs. John Dickmeyer of Arlington and Mrs. Fred Scheer, of Orchard, neb., and eleven grandchildren, three sons-in-law, one brother and one sister. Two of his children have preceded him in death.

The funeral was held Wednesday afternoon at St. Paul’s Lutheran church with Rev. Wolter conducting the services. The large church was filled with those desiring to show their sympathy for the bereaved family and their respect and love for the deceased, who was a man of sterling qualities and faithful in everything he undertook to do. He was 13 years an elder in St. Paul’s church. He was laid to rest in the beautiful cemetery beside the church.

# 3 - - Pilot, October 10, 1928



Freiderick G. Kruger passed away at his farm home two miles southwest of Orum Monday, October 1st, at 1:15 following a paralytic stroke. He had been ailing all summer and went up to Hot Springs to see if his health would improve. He returned Sept. 15th and was taken worse, a stroke following a few days later. He was unconscious most of the time until death found him.

The funeral was held last Wednesday, a short service at the house and the regular service at the Brown Creek Lutheran church north of Arlington at 2 o’clock, Rev. G.W. Wolter officiating. Burial was in the cemetery near the church.

Freiderick Gotlieb Kruger was born in Quernheim, Westphalia, Germany, Sept. 2nd, 1856, so was just past 72 years of age. He came to this country in 1880 and settled at Arlington, where he worked for a time for Herman Stork. He went to Lancaster county and was there married to Miss Olive Brack on June 24th, 1881.

The next year they returned to Arlington and he worked at the mason’s trade for some years. For the last 12 years he had lived on his farm two miles southwest of Orum.

He is survived by his wife, three daughters and two sons, Mary, Mrs. F.E. Scheer of Orchard, Neb.; Amelia, Mrs. John Dickmeyer of near Orum; Mrs. John Stork also near Orum; and Henry and William who lived at home. He leaves also one brother, Henry at Wakefield, Neb., and one sister in Germany. There are 11 grandchildren.

Mr. Kruger was a kind and lovable man who made friends wherever he went and will be greatly missed by all who knew him. The bereaved family have the sincere sympathy of many friends.

CARD OF THANKS: With sincere thanks we wish to acknowledge your kind expression of sympathy and assistance during the illness and after the death of our beloved husband and father. MRS. FREIDERICK KRUGER and children

# 4 - - Tribune, October 11, 1928

ORUM - - Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon for Fredrick Gottlieb Kruger. He was born in Westphalia, Germany, in 1880 and died October 1, 1928, after a lingering illness of three weeks. Rev. Wolter of the St. Paul Lutheran church near Arlington officiated. Mr. Kruger was very active in church affairs and was an Elder in the German church for 13 years.

He leaves to mourn his death his widow, two sons, Henry and William; three daughters, Mrs. John Stork, Mrs. John Dickmeyer and Mrs. Fred Scheer of Orchard; one brother and a sister in Germany and eleven grandchildren. The floral offerings were many and beautiful. Interment was made in the cemetery near the church. The bereaved ones have the sympathy of a host of friends and neighbors.

# 5 - - Enterprise, November 11, 1928


F.G. Kruger, age seventy-two years, passed away Oct. 1 at his home southwest of Orum following a paralytic stroke. He had been in poor health for some time and had only recently returned from the Hot Springs of South Dakota.

Deceased was born in Westphalia, Germany, Sept. 2, 1856. He came to this country in 1880 and for a time worked for Herman Stork. Later he went to Douglas county where he married Miss Olive Brack and the following year they returned to Arlington.

He is survived by his wife, three daughters and two sons, Mrs. F.E. Scheer of Orchard, Nebr.; Mrs. John Dickmeyer and Mrs. John Stork, both of Orum; Henry and William at home. He also leaves one brother, Henry of Wakefield and one sister in Germany.

Mr. Kruger was a gentleman of high repute and to those who knew him best, one of the finest characters to be found and he leaves a host of friends who sympathize and grieve with the family over their loss.

Funeral services were held on Wednesday, Oct. 3 with a short service at the home and another at the Brown Creek church, with Rev. Wolter officiating. Interment was made in the Brown Creek cemetery.